How to Determine Who is at Fault in Multi-Car Crashes

How to Determine Who is at Fault in Multi-Car Crashes

It is a gamble each winter day in the Midwest as to whether the road conditions will be dry.  Snow, rain, and black ice all increase the possibility of being involved in a multi-car crash.  If you or a loved one has been injured or involved in a car crash, it is safe...
Traffic Citations That Can Be Challenged

Traffic Citations That Can Be Challenged

A traffic citation or ticket is a summons issued to a driver by a law enforcement officer due to a direct violation of a traffic law.  Traffic citations detail the traffic violation committed as well as request the driver to appear in traffic court.  The driver then...
Sobering Facts About Holiday Weekends

Sobering Facts About Holiday Weekends

The holiday season and all of their celebrations are just around the corner and increased alcohol consumption during this time can take the fun out of the festivities.  Excessive drinking or binge drinking is not only a public health issue; but also, a law enforcement...
Should I Refuse a Breathalyzer Test

Should I Refuse a Breathalyzer Test

Should I Refuse a Breathalyzer Test   Should I Refuse a Breathalyzer Test is a blog designed for educational purposes and only addresses the Preliminary Breathalyzer Test or PBT.  The information provided is not meant to be substituted for legal advice from a licensed...
What to Do If You Get a Photo Citation

What to Do If You Get a Photo Citation

Automated traffic safety enforcement began in the 1960’s with red light sensors and eventually mounted cameras to detect drivers who were speeding or who had run a red light.  Red light cameras emerged as an effort to improve traffic safety, but over the course of the...
Signs Someone is Too Drunk to Drive

Signs Someone is Too Drunk to Drive

It is not a secret that drinking and driving are deadly, yet every year approximately 10,000 deaths occur related to drunk driving car crashes.  In every state, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08%, but sometimes the signs that...