Bad Weather Car Accidents: Who is at Fault?

Bad Weather Car Accidents: Who is at Fault?

With millions of drivers on the road each day, there is no doubt that car accidents, both fatal and non-fatal, occur.  Rain, ice, sleet, snow, and even fog increase rates of car accidents.  While the weather is out of the driver’s control when an accident occurs,...
The Benefits of Hiring a Small Law Firm

The Benefits of Hiring a Small Law Firm

If you are looking for legal representation, it is tough not to call the large law firms you see on billboards or hear on commercials; however, small law firms may be exactly what you need. The benefits of hiring a small law firm often begin with a personalized...
Dangers of Distracted Driving

Dangers of Distracted Driving

We’ve all seen the photos and read the last texts of teenagers prior to a fatal crash, yet the majority of people continue to make the volitional choice to attend to their cell phone over their vehicle.  The dangers of distracted driving are imminent and at times it...
Top 4 Common Personal Injury Cases

Top 4 Common Personal Injury Cases

A personal injury in a broad definition is any type of physical or mental injury to a person with either short or long term consequences.  Personal injury claims result in millions of dollars in compensation for individuals who have experienced lost wages, pain,...
Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

5 Costly Personal Injury Case Mistakes Whether or not an individual needs a personal injury lawyer is a very complex question with multiple answers.  Indeed, there are examples of personal injury cases that can be handled without legal representation but generally...