Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

The National Safety Council has deemed the month of April to be Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and many states are following suit with increasing distracted driving enforcement on the roadways.  The mission of creating a distracted driving awareness month is...
Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation

Civil litigation is defined as a legal dispute between individuals or the families of individuals who have suffered an injury or death as a result of negligence, recklessness or misconduct of others.  Civil cases differ from criminal cases in that civil cases...
Dangers of Distracted Driving

Dangers of Distracted Driving

We’ve all seen the photos and read the last texts of teenagers prior to a fatal crash, yet the majority of people continue to make the volitional choice to attend to their cell phone over their vehicle.  The dangers of distracted driving are imminent and at times it...
Hit and Run Accidents: Civil and Criminal Consequences

Hit and Run Accidents: Civil and Criminal Consequences

By definition, a hit and run accident is when someone flees the scene of an accident with a pedestrian, vehicle or other property in an attempt to evade responsibility.  There are both civil and criminal consequences associated with a hit and run accident and in most...